Reflecting on 2020 and Looking Ahead
“Families for a Livable Climate has been such a meaningful and empowering avenue to participate in the climate movement. FLC’s focus on building relationships and speaking to everyday issues that impact families is truly what’s needed to build lasting power for change, and feels more important than ever right now.”
We are so grateful.
Photo by Sarah Diggins
Established in 2019, last year we engaged more than 500 families, as well as many other organizations, and community groups. We are so thankful for all of the support and community. We want to especially mention Climate Smart Missoula, 350 Montana, Sunrise Movement Missoula for being great partners over the last year for various events such as Dear Tomorrow Missoula, Climate Strikes, Missoula Earth Day, NorthWestern and Public Service Commission actions, film screenings and more.
It’s been a big year with big challenges for everyone. We appreciate the collaborative effort and support for what we’ve helped to accomplish so far:
Excerpt and photo from Dear Tomorrow Missoula project
Families Strike for Our Future. Joining the Global Climate Strike we rallied nearly 300 people in September 2019, including 80+ students.
Community Climate Conversations. Initiated impactful conversations and connections in 5 Montana communities. Covid put an end to them but we are gearing up to relaunch!
Friday climate strikes. Keeping climate action in the public eye with our allies, we rallied 10 - 50 demonstrators each week from Oct - March.
Fridays for Action. Building a core community through weekly actions, discussion, reading and connection. This group has been our engine over the last year!
Dear Tomorrow Missoula. With Climate Smart, we brought this international letter-writing project to Missoula to inspire climate action. Over 50 people participated.
Advocacy. We raised awareness and commented on plans that will impact our climate future, including NorthWestern Energy’s 2019 Resource Procurement Plan and the Keystone XL pipeline.
Led by member families, launched our seasonal membership magazine, The Changing Times, to share reflections, stories, art, and calls to action on climate from people of all ages.
Co-hosted film screenings including From Paris to Pittsburgh and The Story of Plastic.
Systems Change series. Events that bridg personal actions bridge into system-wide change. Over 75 people registered for our first two events: Decarbonize Your Money and Decarbonize Your Transportation. Watch our events page for upcoming events in January and February 2021.
“I so appreciate the opportunity to come together with other families who care about creating a livable future for our children. It brings me hope and makes it easy to get involved in positive action for our planet.”
Here are a few photos from events we hosted, co-hosted, or joined in the last year!
“We need a clear vision of a possible, positive world to pierce the clouds of division surrounding climate change. We have just a bit of space remaining to secure a vibrant future for loved ones on this planet. I urge you to join Families for a Livable Climate and help us realize that vision.”
Our Plan for 2021
2021 will no doubt bring more surprises, but our work for climate justice will continue. We want to connect with any Montanan who wants to talk about the climate crisis, and how to get involved with advocating for a livable future.
By the end of 2021, we hope to engage 500 new families across the state. Given our restrictions due to Covid-19, we will leverage online community-oriented events and content that help people find a way into the movement with activities, including the following:
Hold 25+ virtual Community Climate Conversations to support families across the state to engage in climate conversations, and civic action, in their community.
Continue our Systems Change Series: Hyper Local Living (January), Leave It Wild (February), and our second Decarbonize Your Money event (TBA).
Launch our Community Climate Summit Series in spring 2021 featuring national, state, and local speakers.
Double subscribers and contributors to The Changing Times magazine
Expand our efforts to keep the climate crisis in the public eye through creative demonstrations and media outreach and other communication.
Continue to pressure the Montana Public Service Commission and NorthWestern Energy to ensure a secure and reliable energy future for Montana families.
Build our one-on-one and small-group organizing capacity and skill. Personal conversations matter. They are the foundation of building trust, inspiring action, and creating networks for change.
You can also support our work in 2021 by donating today.
“As an inpatient psychiatric nurse serving Montana adolescents who have recently survived a suicide attempt I often hear my patients say there is no future worth fighting for. They say ‘why hope? why strive for a better world when no one else is?’. And they’re absolutely right. The adults are not doing enough to defend the rights of the next generations to live in a habitable climate. In order for me to be able to look those kiddos in the eye and tell them people care I have to do whatever I can to advocate for their survival. If I leave all their cries for help at the door when I leave work, I’m not truly serving them. Modeling action is very important, and Families for a Livable Climate is an organization with a multigenerational approach which gives kids the reassurance that their adults are fighting for them, as well as providing them with a safe platform to have their own hopes and dreams for their futures magnified.”